Fjellet (The mountain)

Hello again!

Since I’ve included a Swedish movie I thought it was about time to include a Norwegian queerdo movie. There’s not many of them, but this is a good example of one.

Fjellet (or “The Mountain” if you like) is set in a mountain (surprise surprise!). It follows the two main protagonists as they hike through it, and slowly the story reveals their past and the loss of a child. It kinda seems like this couple is just doomed to fail and they agree on nothing and have the typical queerdo female behaviour where they “hate” each other but still love each other.

I thought this movie was kinda slow and kinda boring. I didn’t really understand the entire point of it, why they were together if they just don’t get along, but at the same time I didn’t want them to break up. Not gonna give any spoilers as to what happened between them.

I mean, if you’re a queerdo looking to expand your entertainment knowledge, go for it. It is waaayyy better than that Lesbian space alien seeking same movie, but definately not my favourite!


The Four-Faced Liar

So this adorable movie follows the new couple in town as they try to make new friends and settle in to the Big Apple also known as New York. They start talking to this little group of people, one of whom is openly lesbian, and the sparks start flying uncontrolably.

I really like this movie, it’s just so happy and sweet (of course with a wee bit of drama as always). It is the type of movie I watch when I feel lonely because of my desperatly failed attempts at dating, and it makes me feel a tiny glimmer of hope. Okay, maybe I’m being a tad over-dramatic now…

But anyway, enjoy this sweetness of a queerdo movie!


But I’m a Cheerleader

Do you recognise the woman on the cover? If not, then I will tell you who it is, namely Nicky from OITNB! Before her big break she played in this queerdo cult classic, and in my opinion, this movie is brilliant!

A cheerleader is sent to a camp by her friends and family, where they apparently turn gay people into straight people (RuPaul actually has a part too in this). There they learn how to be proper house wives (and real men), learn about their duties etc. All with a generous dash of humour and awkwardness.

This is also one of my favourite gay movies because its so silly and over the top, yet still kinda cute. I definitely recommend you watching it, and clear the schedule for an entire evening cause you will probably want to watch it twice!


Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same

Well, this is some weird shit. Maybe I just don’t understand the point of it, maybe it was the aliens getting emotional from a spinning cheesecake on display. Regardless, I wouldn’t watch this again even if it was the last movie on Earth.

The title basically describes what it’s all about. It’s also filmed in black and white, the story is slow… It’s just a freakin’ oddball of a strange movie.

I am pretty sure the director, or whoever came up with the manuscript, was on some prescribed meds or something slightly illegal. So if you haven’t caught on yet, I did not particularly like this movie. It’s just too far out. But you know, if you want to waste an hour of your life to this, then go for it.


Blue Is The Warmest Colour

This movie I guess is on a more serious note. It follows two girls, one whom explores her sexuality and the other being openly gay, as their relationship develops. It is a french movie, and I generally find that the French knows how to make a good drama.

Though it is not packed with action or humour but focuses more on the relationship between the two, I think it is a very cute but sad story. There are also some very explicit sex scenes in it.

If you are looking for a more traditional drama, like love story drama, then this is just the movie for you. I also do think it is rather good.


Gray Matters

So it’s time for another movie, and this time it’s Gray Matters. It’s of the same caliber as Imagine me & you, only American.

Basically there’s a twin couple and they both fall in love with the same woman. The male twin wins the woman’s heart, the female twin gets very confused with her feelings for said woman. Then there’s some arguing, the usual drama and the question of who ends up with who.

I must say, I prefer Imagine me & you, but as yet another light hearted romcom this one is okay. They could do with some more girl on girl time though, and more Helena from the L word! After all, they are catering for a predominantly lesbian audience…

Plus, Heather Graham is trés cute!


Imagine me & you

This is probably one of my all time favourites when it comes to lesbian themed movies. It is cute, it is quaint and it is British! I also get the theme song stuck in my head forever every time I watch it (The Turtles – Imagine me and you).

It follows a (un)traditional romcom recipe; woman gets married to man, meets the flower lady in the wedding, discovers flower lady is gay and falls in love. SPOILER ALERT: it also has a happy ending (in my opinion)!

I would recommend this movie if you want to watch something nice and light hearted. I also think the movie in general is good and not super awkward and cliché filled like lesbian movies tend to be.

Also, who wouldn’t want Cercei Lannister to stop doing her brother and start bending the “right” way?

(They are so cute!) 

Loving Annabelle

Time for my second queer movie recommendation, and this is an all time lesbo classic! It is the one and only Loving Annabelle, and I assume most queerdos out there will have heard of it.

In short, new rebellious student falls for hot english teacher, they have an affair and all hell breaks loose. And it all takes place in a catholic school.

So who hasn’t had a teacher crush at some point in their life? Mine reached it’s climax when I was asked to explain the abbreviation TILF (Teacher I’d Like To F**k) in front of the class and said teacher. Needless the say, it was painfully awkward.

So if you ever get a crush on your teacher (or other authority figure for that matter), I recommend you watch this movie and cry along with it because it probably ain’t gonna happen. And if it does, the outcome is most likely similar to the one portrayed here.


Show Me Love (Fucking Åmål)

Don’t worry, this is not one of those posts where I beg the heavens for some 1.80m tall blonde and blue eyed model to fall in love with me.

In fact, it’s my first movie recomendation for young queerdos looking to find themselves. Also, I will share a small story from my life with it.

Show Me Love is the first lesbian themed movie I watched. It was made from the brother country of my origin, namely Sweden, but for English viewers it does come with subtitles. It is about the social outcast girl, who falls in love with the popular girl who likes this boy, and then there’s a whole lot of drama inbetween. Basically a cute little love story for young teens and other lesbians of all ages.

I watched this first time when I was a little queerdo myself, and I had no idea exactly why I loved it. I used to watch it with this other female friend (she did get increasingly tired of my obsession with this movie), and when it was done we practiced the kissing scenes (don’t worry, I was still the only gay in the village). It was awesome.

In other words, if you’re young and confused, get a same sex friend, watch this and practice the kissing scenes. It’s very practical for finding out which way you bend!
